My Stampin' Up! sideline, Tara, (firefliesandflutterbyes.blogspot.com/2008/06/ive-tagged-myself.html) just tagged me. So here goes...
TEN Years Ago
My husband, Greg, and I had been married for only two years with no children yet. We were residing in our first home, had a new labrador puppy named Kate, and I had just finished my first semester of pursuing my Master's Degree in Educational Administration. We thought we were really busy back then...but boy within a few years, were we in for a rude awakening!
Then came baby (#1, #2, and #3) in the baby carraige...Noah is 8, Ben is 6, and Hannah is 3.
FIVE Things on My To Do List:
(Always on my to do list) Cook the next meal, clean up the mess, do more laundry...
Fun Stuff:
Complete my swap cards for my Stampin' Up! group meeting.
Prepare for my next Stamp Club meeting...it's going to be a birthday party!
Make a few calls regarding my parents' 50th anniversary party coming up at the end of July.
Get ready for a camping trip to Lake Shelbyville with my sister and her family.
And Finally...
Take a little time to relax...maybe watch a movie.
Anything the kids are snacking on, usually. Right now, I'm thinking about some microwave popcorn and a diet coke.
THINGS I would do if I were a Millionaire:
Think of what an awesome stamping/crafting room I could create...I would pay off the mortgage, put in a pool, travel with my family...and donate to charity.
PLACES I have Lived:
I lived in Fairfield, IL until I was in 6th grade...lived in Mahomet, IL until high school graduation...parents moved to Champaign, IL while I was at EIU in Charleston, IL. After college graduation, I got my first teaching job in Petersburg, IL where I met my husband. When we were first married, we lived in Bettendorf, IA for one year and then moved back to Petersburg. HOME SWEET HOME!
TAG 5 others....I'm tagging:
I don't know who to tag...I'm kinda new to the blogging thing. If you're reading this and would like to play along, please post a comment and link to your blog. Thanks!
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